Internet of Things by Abdullah Arshad, Jaffer Engineering Services, Jaffer Group

Mr. XYZ, wakes up every morning at 6:00 am. The water is just right for a good morning shower. Warm enough for a person to enjoy. Breakfast will be ready as soon as he gets out of shower. Tea is served just at the right temperature, neither too hot neither too cold. He isn’t worried at all about feeding his pet parrot. Above all the room is already clean and tidy. One must be thinking wow, Mr. XYZ has got himself a great partner. However, what if I tell you Mr. XYZ is all alone. Mr. XYZ has made his life easy by something called the internet of things (IoT). Now many would wonder what on earth is internet of things. Probably some of you are about to search it on the web. Well, let me make things easy for you, according to Wikipedia “The Internet of things is the extension of Internet connectivity into physical devices and everyday objects.” In simple words IoT is basically incorporating internet into physical devices and everyday objects, this can be made with a simple sensor and a micro controller setup connected with the internet to basically transmit the data.

In the case of Mr. XYZ, a clock, a heater and temperature sensor setup will produce the right temperature of water at the right time. Now one can use imagination and instill such a system in many aspects of day to day life. Many applications of IoT are being used in the world now. In the field of Engineering IoT shows its true potential. IoT is helping to increase efficiency, improve processes, increase safety and much more.

Moreover, with 5G connectivity, there is no limit to imagination. Large computational capabilities due to 5G will help increase automation in our day to day lives. However, IoT will take some time to pick up in countries like Pakistan. There is no doubt that we need to invest much more in IoT and artificial intelligence as the world will revolve around these technologies.

  • Hussein El-Edroos

    One side effect of IoT is that many people will lose out on physical activity. In the days before the TV remote, one had to get up to change channels or to increase or decrease volume. Now one just keeps sitting.

    3:10 pm July 17, 2019 Reply
    • Nasser Jaffer

      You could become a couch potato OR use this ‘Time Saver’ to do an extra mile of walk, jog or swim. Idea is not to fight the future technology but to turn into a benefit. As these
      are uncharted territories thus a concern of a person of similar age. I think Mr. Abdullah Arshad has rightly brought out a positive thought & at JBS someone needs to pick this idea & see at what heights they can develop it into win win for all of us.

      5:42 pm July 17, 2019 Reply
      • Hussein El-Edroos

        Well said.

        11:02 am July 18, 2019 Reply
  • Abdullah Arshad

    Completely agree with Mr Jaffer’s point, its all about perspective.
    And, yes IoT has a huge scope. Jaffer can lead its implementation in Pakistan.

    11:31 am July 20, 2019 Reply
  • Carmelo Barrow

    To the owner, You always provide great information and insights.

    6:50 pm July 22, 2023 Reply
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